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Narrative Text 6: The Story of Elephant and the Blind Men

2 min read


Blind men touch different parts of an elephant and describe it differently. This story teaches that perspective shapes understanding.

The Elephant and the Blind Men

Once upon a time, in a bustling village, a group of blind men heard that a magnificent elephant had arrived in town. Curious about the creature, they decided to visit the elephant to learn what it was like.

As they approached, each man touched a different part of the elephant. The first man, who touched the elephant’s side, exclaimed, “The elephant is like a wall! It is broad and sturdy.”

The second man, feeling the elephant’s tusk, said, “No, the elephant is like a spear! It is sharp and strong.”

The third man, who grabbed the elephant’s trunk, declared, “You are both wrong! The elephant is like a snake! It is long and flexible.”

The fourth man, who touched a leg, argued, “You are all mistaken! The elephant is like a tree! It is thick and solid.”

Finally, the fifth man, who felt the ear of the elephant, insisted, “You are all wrong! The elephant is like a fan! It is wide and flaps gently.”

The men began to argue loudly, each convinced that he was correct. Their voices grew louder, and soon they were in a heated debate, refusing to listen to one another.

Just then, a wise old man passing by overheard the commotion. He approached the blind men and asked, “What is the matter, friends?”

They explained their situation, and the old man smiled. “You have all touched different parts of the elephant, but you have only a small piece of the truth. The elephant is all of those things—broad like a wall, sharp like a spear, long like a snake, thick like a tree, and wide like a fan.”

The blind men paused and reflected on his words. They realized that each of them had a limited perspective and that the truth was more complex than they had understood.

Moral and Life Lesson

The story of "The Elephant and the Blind Men" teaches us the importance of perspective and understanding. It reminds us that everyone has their own viewpoint, and listening to others can lead to a more complete understanding of the truth. In a world filled with diverse opinions and experiences, embracing different perspectives can help foster empathy and collaboration.

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