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Narrative Text 4 "The Tale of Two Wolves"

2 min read


A grandfather teaches his grandson about the internal struggle between good and evil. The lesson is that the wolf you feed is the one that wins.

The Tale of Two Wolves

The Tale of Two Wolves

In a quiet village nestled between towering mountains, there lived a wise old man known as Grandfather. He was respected by all for his deep understanding of life and his ability to share valuable lessons. One day, a young boy approached him, looking troubled.

“Grandfather,” the boy said, “I feel as though there is a constant battle inside me. Sometimes I feel angry, sad, and fearful, while other times I feel happy, peaceful, and loving. Why do I feel this way?”

Grandfather smiled gently and gestured for the boy to sit beside him. “Let me tell you a story,” he began. “There are two wolves fighting inside each of us.”

The Tale of Two Wolves

The boy listened intently as Grandfather continued. “One wolf is filled with anger, envy, greed, and resentment. This is the wolf that thrives on negativity and darkness. The other wolf, however, is filled with love, joy, peace, and kindness. This wolf embodies everything good and positive in our lives.”

The boy furrowed his brow, confused. “But which wolf wins the battle?” he asked.

Grandfather paused, letting the question linger in the air. “The one you feed,” he replied.

The boy thought about this for a moment. “What do you mean?”

“Every day, we make choices about how we respond to our feelings and the world around us,” Grandfather explained. “When you focus on anger and negativity, you feed the first wolf, making it stronger. But when you choose love, kindness, and positivity, you nourish the second wolf.”

The boy’s eyes widened as the wisdom of Grandfather’s words began to sink in. “So, I have the power to choose which wolf to feed?”

“Exactly,” Grandfather said with a nod. “Life is full of challenges, and it’s easy to give in to negativity. But remember, you have the strength to choose your thoughts and actions. By feeding the wolf of positivity, you can create a happier and more fulfilling life.”

Feeling enlightened, the boy thanked Grandfather and ran off to share this newfound wisdom with his friends. As he walked through the village, he began to notice how his thoughts influenced his feelings and actions. He decided to focus on the positive aspects of life and spread kindness wherever he went.

Over time, the boy became a source of inspiration for others. The villagers noticed his radiant smile and contagious positivity. They too began to reflect on their choices and the wolves within them.

Moral and Life Lesson

The tale of the two wolves teaches us that we all have conflicting emotions within us, but we have the power to choose which ones to nurture. By focusing on positivity, love, and kindness, we can overcome negativity and lead a more fulfilling life. Our choices shape our reality, and by feeding the right wolf, we can create a brighter world for ourselves and those around us.

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