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Contoh Narative Text dan Pembahasan Narative Text: The Legend of The Holy Stone

5 min read


In a time long ago, the Kamboi people lived near the sacred sago plantation of God Iriwonawani on Kamboi Rama mountain. As sago trees dwindled, God Iriwonawani warned the villagers to plant more instead of just harvesting. Fearful, the Kamboi people relocated to the coast, renaming themselves Randuayaivi. However, a couple named Irimiami and Isoray remained. One day, they discovered a hot stone that could cook their food. 

The Legend of The Holy Stone

Their curiosity led them to experiment, but their actions resulted in a massive fire that threatened their home. In desperation, they sought help from God Iriwonawani, who agreed to assist them on the condition that they cease their reckless behavior. 

Even after being saved, they continued to test the stone, eventually causing an even larger fire. Ultimately, God Iriwonawani extinguished the flames, and the Kamboi people returned to celebrate the holy stone, which became a sacred symbol of their culture.

The Legend of The Holy Stone

A Long time ago, up on the Kamboi Rama mountain, there were two villages, Kamboi Rama and Aroempu. Kamboi Rama was a residence for Kamboi people, and Aroempu was a sago plantation owned by God Iriwonawani, who also owned a tifa. Whenever the tifa is played, the Kamboi people would gather. Every day, the Kamboi women would go to Aroempu to cut sago for their meals. As time passed by, the sago trees were becoming scarcer. 

God Iriwonawani got really angry, “Get out of here! Don’t just cut but sow and plant!” Because they were  scared, the Kamboi people moved to the coastal area and named themselves Randuayaivi. However, upon the mountain, there still lived a couple of husband and wife, Irimiami and Isoray.

One day, on their way home after a hunt in the jungle, being tired, Irimiami and Isoray decided to rest. Irimiami sat on the ground leaning on a tree. Meanwhile, Isoray was still finding a place to sit. She saw a large stone and thought that it would be comfortable to sit on. 

As she sat, all of a sudden, Isoray shouted and jumped off the stone. “Ouch! The stone is so hot that I almost got burned!” Isoray cried. “What is it, dear?” Irimiami who almost fell asleep immediately stood up, startled by his wife’s screams. “I don’t know what happened either, but this stone feels really hot.” answered Isoray in panic. 

A short time later, in their astonishment, smoke came out of that stone. Curious, Irimiami tried to sit on that stone. “Ouch! It’s really hot!” he shouted. Becoming more curious, the couple decided to test the stone’s heat. “How if we put this venison on that stone?” said Irimiami. “Let’s just try, dear,” answered Isoray. Exquisite smells came from the burning meat. 

As it was ready, they ate them up. “What a delicious piece of meat” or “This meat is so delicious,” Irimiami said happily. Unsatisfied with what they had found, they continued testing the stone. “Let’s try to put these bamboo stems,” said Isoray. “Let’s try these grass and leaves,” Irimiami added. “How about that timber!” shouted Isoray. 

Day by day, they kept on testing the stone. One bright day, they gathered more grasses and put them on the stone. The grasses burned quickly and spread to the surrounding plants, the fire got bigger. They started to panic. “My husband, we’ve burned this place.” Isoray cried in fear. “It’s a big disaster and we can’t stop. Let’s meet God Iriwonawani for help,” said Irimiami in tremble. 

They ran to God Iriwonawani. “My Lord, please help us put out the fire,” begged them.  “Well, I shall help on the condition that you stop that harming act of yours,” said the God. “We promise, my Lord,” they said. With a magical power, the fire could finally be stopped. 

Nevertheless, it seemed that they had not learned from their mistakes. They kept on testing the stone, until one day they started a really big fire that did not stop for seven days and nights. They were really terrified and could not do anything but asked God Iriwonawai for help.

Finally, the sounds of the tifa were heard again after a long time. All Randuayaivi people ran to Kamboi mountain, witnessed the burning forest which was again successfully extinguished by God Iriwonawani. On the mountain, Irimiami and Isoray finally told the story of ‘the holy stone.’ 

The following day, all Randuayaivi people came back to the mountain bringing food items. All those food items were put on the holy stone and the traditional feast took place for three days and nights. All the people chanted and danced around the holy stone, worshipping it and passing the holy stone story. People of Papua, particularly those of the Yapen islands, sanctify the fire stone hitherto. The stone has become a sacred stone that they worship annually.

 Moral and Life Lessons

  • 1. Respect Nature: The story emphasizes the importance of respecting the environment. The Kamboi people’s initial disregard for sustainable practices led to dire consequences, highlighting the need for responsible stewardship of natural resources.
  • 2. Heed Warnings: The repeated warnings from God Iriwonawani illustrate that ignoring advice can lead to disaster. It’s essential to listen to guidance from those with greater wisdom or experience.
  • 3. Consequences of Curiosity: While curiosity can lead to discovery and innovation, it can also result in unintended harm. The couple's experiments with the stone serve as a cautionary tale about the potential dangers of reckless experimentation.
  • 4. Community and Celebration: The return of the Randuayaivi people to honor the holy stone underscores the importance of community, tradition, and collective celebration, fostering unity and remembrance of shared experiences.
  • 5. Learning from Mistakes: The story teaches that acknowledging and learning from one’s mistakes is crucial. The couple’s failure to change their behavior after being saved ultimately led to greater challenges, reinforcing the need for growth and change.

Struktur Kalimat Naratif

1. Orientasi

Memperkenalkan latar belakang cerita, termasuk lokasi, waktu, dan karakter utama.

Contoh: "A long time ago, up on the Kamboi Rama mountain, there were two villages, Kamboi Rama and Aroempu."

2. Komplikasi

Menjelaskan masalah atau konflik yang dihadapi oleh karakter.

Contoh: "As time passed by, the sago trees were becoming scarcer."

3. Aksi

Menggambarkan tindakan yang diambil oleh karakter untuk menghadapi konflik.

Contoh: "Irimiami and Isoray decided to rest, and they experimented with the stone."

4. Klimaks

Menunjukkan puncak ketegangan atau konflik dalam cerita.

Contoh: "They started a really big fire that did not stop for seven days and nights."

5. Resolusi

Menyajikan solusi atau penyelesaian dari konflik yang terjadi.

Contoh: "God Iriwonawani extinguished the flames and the people celebrated."

6. Reorientasi

Menutup cerita dengan memberikan kesimpulan atau refleksi.

Contoh: "The stone has become a sacred stone that they worship annually."

Unsur Kebahasaan

1. Kata Kerja Aksi:

Contoh: "cut," "gather," "decided," "burned," "help."

2. Kata Sifat:

Contoh: "hot," "delicious," "big," "sacred."

3. Keterangan Waktu:

Contoh: "A long time ago," "every day," "one bright day."

4. Rujukan:

Menggunakan nama karakter dan kata ganti untuk merujuk pada mereka.
Contoh: "They," "God Iriwonawani," "Irimiami and Isoray."

5. Dialog:

Menggambarkan percakapan antara karakter, memberikan kedalaman pada karakterisasi.
Contoh: “What is it, dear?” Irimiami asked.

6. Frasa Deskriptif:

Menggambarkan setting, karakter, atau objek dengan lebih detail.

Contoh: "the holy stone," "the surrounding plants," "the exquisite smells."

7. Konjungsi:

Menghubungkan kalimat dan ide untuk kelancaran narasi.

Contoh: "and," "but," "because."

Dengan mengikuti struktur ini dan menggunakan unsur kebahasaan tersebut, narasi menjadi lebih menarik dan mudah dipahami.

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