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Contoh Soal Teks Deskriptif Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelas X SMK Kurikulum Merdeka

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Halo, teman-teman pembaca yang selalu penasaran! Pernahkah kalian mendengar tentang deskriptif text dalam bahasa Inggris? 

Meskipun terdengar serius, jangan khawatir, kita akan menjelaskannya dengan bahasa yang ringan dan santai. 

Yuk, kita mulai! Deskriptif text adalah jenis teks yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan atau menjelaskan suatu objek, tempat, orang, atau makhluk tertentu secara rinci. 

Tujuan utama dari jenis teks ini adalah agar pembaca atau pendengar dapat membayangkan objek tersebut dengan jelas dalam pikiran mereka. Kita bisa berpikir tentang deskriptif text seperti menggambar gambar dengan kata-kata. Berikut ini disajikan beberapa contoh Soal terkait Teks Deskriptif

Choose the best answer in each questions (A,B,C or D), and place your selection to the answer sheet.


He is very kind and thoughtful. I found on the internet that his blood type is probably A negative. Sometimes he gives his blood to the blood bank so that people who need the same blood type as his will be able to use it.

It is not the only good thing that I like about him. He is very it and loves to maintain his health by not smoking. He does not like to drink alcoholic drinks and also there is no tattoo on his body as well. He believes that a tattoo will not be good for the blood that he donates to the blood bank.

Ronaldo is also very generous which makes him a philanthropist. He donates billions of dollars to the poor and underprivileged people across the world.

As a sports celebrity he remains humble. Ronaldo treats his fans in a very courteous way. Once, a person in the audience was injured in the face by the football kicked by Ronaldo. Right after the match, Ronaldo apologized personally and gave him his jersey.

1. What type of blood does Ronaldo likely have?

a. A positive

b. A negative

c. B positive

d. B negative

2. What can be inferred about Ronaldo based on his actions?

a. He only cares about his own success

b. He is a responsible and caring person

c. He is only generous to his fans

d. He dislikes philanthropy

3. Why does Ronaldo donate his blood to the blood bank?

a. To maintain his health

b. To get money

c. To prevent tattooing

d. To help people in need

4. Which word best describes Ronaldo's attitude towards his fans?

a. Arrogant

b. Indifferent

c. Courteous

d. Ignorant

5. What did Ronaldo do when a person in the audience got injured by his football?

a. He ignored the person

b. He made fun of the person

c. He apologized and gave his jersey

d. He blamed the person

6. Why does Ronaldo donate his blood to the blood bank?

a. To keep himself healthy

b. To help people in need with the same blood type

c. To get paid for his blood

d. To promote blood donation

7. Why does Ronaldo avoid smoking and alcoholic drinks?

a. To impress his fans

b. To maintain his health

c. To follow a strict diet

d. To avoid getting tattoos

8. What action did Ronaldo take when a person in the audience got injured?

a. He continued playing

b. He apologized and gave his jersey

c. He ignored the incident

d. He blamed the injured person

9. Create a hypothetical scenario where Ronaldo demonstrates his kindness and thoughtfulness.

a. Ronaldo helps an elderly person cross the street

b. Ronaldo saves a drowning child

c. Ronaldo wins a championship

d. Ronaldo buys a new car

10. What does Ronaldo do with his blood?

a. He drinks it to maintain his health

b. He donates it to the blood bank

c. He sells it to make money

d. He throws it away

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