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Bahasa Inggris SMK: Work in Progress - Chapter 1 Great Athlete Task A to E

"Materi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMK: Work in Progress - Chapter 1 Great Athlete Task A to E (Listening)"

2 min read

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Pada pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMK Kurikulum Merdeka: Work in Progress - Chapter 1 Great Athlete pada Task 2 terdapat beberapa bagian penguatan materi tentang listening section seperti Listen and Check, Listen and Discuss, Listen and Circle, Lets Practice, dan Use your Words.

Berikut ini disajikan media video pemahaman listening yang bisa dipelajari. Silahkan didengarkan dan kerjakan beberapa instruksi yang telah diberikan.

A. Listen and Check

Listen to an audio recording of a great athlete. Decide whether these statements are true or false.

B. Listen and Discuss

Listen to the audio recording again and discuss the following questions in small groups. Share your answers with the class.

1.  How did the speaker start the description? 

2.  What are the things the speaker described? 

3.  How did the speaker end the description?

4.  What is the main idea of the text?

5. How long does Cristiano Ronaldo has?

C. Listen and Circle 

Circle the words you hear from the Audio.

D  Let’s Practice

Sit in pairs. Your teacher will give your partner a picture of a person. Without looking at the picture, draw in the box the person your classmate is describing. Show the result to your classmate. How is it?

E  Use Your Words

Research about your favorite athlete. Write your description about the athlete by completing the following sentences. You can use the words from your Vocabulary Box in Task 1.

1. __________________ or as we usually call (him/her) as __________ is my favorite


2. He/She was born in __________________ on ___________________.

3. ___________________ has a/an ____________ body with the height of  __________________

centimeters and weight ___________ kilogram.

4. His/Her skin color is ___________ with a _____________ face and ______________ smile.

5. He/She has ___________ eyes and the color is ____________

Jika ini dirasa bermanfaat, tolong beritahu teman-teman yang lain dan bisa berkunjung lagi ke sini di

Saran dan masukaya sangat diharapkan.

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