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Ways to Introduce yourself - 10 Cara Memperkenalkan dirimu Dalam Bahasa Inggris

1 min read
Ways to Introduce yourself: (Cara Memperkenalkan dirimu)

1. Formal (Formal): Hi, nice to meet you. Let me introduce myself. I am Aman Singh. I work for ABC Private Limited. May I know your name, please? (Hai, senang bertemu kamu. Perkenalkan diriku. Aku Aman Singh. Aku bekerja di ABC Private Limited. Bolehkah aku mengetahui namamu?)

2. Formal (Formal): Hi, are you Akshay Singh? Nice to meet you. I am Manisha Sharma. We spoke over the phone yesterday. I am from ABC Private Limited. (Hai, apakah kamu Akshay Singh? Senang bertemu denganmu. Aku Manisha Sharma. Kita berbicara dengan telepon kemarin. Aku dari ABC Private Limited.)

3. Formal (Formal): Thank you for having me here, today. My name is Rita Singh. Pleasure meeting you all.  (Terima kasih untuk mengantarmu ke sini, sekarang. Namaku Rita Singh. Senang bertemu kamu semua.)

4. At a party (Pada pesta): Hi, I am Raj's friend, Aman. Are you Priya? Raj has told me so much about you. It is nice to meet you in person. (Hai, Aku teman Raj, Aman. Apa kamu Priya? Raj memberitahuku banyak tentang kamu. Senang bertemu kamu dalam perorangan.) 

5. Informal (pet name) (Informal (nama hewan peliharaan)): My name is Aman, but you could call me Jolly. That's what most people call me. (Namaku Aman, tapi kamu bisa memanggilku Jolly. Itu yang banyak orang panggilkan aku.)

6. Informal (pet name) (Informal (nama peliharaan)): My name is Aman Singh. I also go by 'Lucky'.  (Namaku Aman Singh. Saya juga dengan 'Lucky'.)

7. At a wedding (Pada pernikahan): Hi, I am Rekha. I am the bride's cousin. Are you from the groom's side? (Hai, aku Rekha. Aku saudara pengantin. Apakah kamu dari sisi tukang kuda?)

8. Asking for introductions (Menanyakan petunjuk):

i. May I know your name, please? (Bolehkah aku mengetahui namamu?)

ii. Hi, I am Aman, Raj's best friend, and you are? (Hai, aku Aman, teman baik Raj, dan kamu?)

iii. Are you here for the interview as well? I am Aman, by the way. And you are? (Apa kamu ke sini untuk wawancara? Aku Aman, omong-omong. Dan kamu siapa?)

iv. Hi, I am Saket. I haven't seen you around - are you a recent recruit? What is your name? (Hai, aku Saket. AKu tidak melihatmu sekeliling - apakah kamu anggota baru? Siapa namamu?)
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