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Reading Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

48 min read
RumahBelajarInggris.Blospot.Com - Materi Bahasa Inggris “ Surat/email  yang menceritakan diri sendiri” beserta soal jawaban dan terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Hello, Alia! Let me introduce myself. My name is Hannah. I know your name from my friend, Caroline. She told me that you sent her an email telling her that you would like to have more pen pals from the US. I’d really like to be your E-pal. You sound really cool.

I guess I’d better tell you something about myself first. I’m 16 years old and I attend Thomas Edison High School here in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. I have two brothers and two half sisters and I’m the  middle child. My father died a few years ago so my mother runs the house and the family business. My father was a barista.

I have lots of hobbies. I like music – mostly classical music and folk music – but I don’t play an instrument. I like sports, especially tennis and basketball. At school I’m in the basketball team and I spend most of my extra-curricular time playing basket ball. I’m into animals very much. My sister and I have three dogs, a rabbit and an iguana. They need lots of attention as you can imagine. At school, I have many Hmong friends who were not fully fluent in English. Their family moved here from Asia. I enjoy talking to them about our different cultures. My favorite subjects at school are art and geography. I think I’d like to become a park ranger when I graduate, perhaps work for the National Parks Service.

 I haven’t got much interest in fashion, although we have ‘Mall of America,’ the biggest mall in Minnesota. We can reach the mall very easily. A commuter train runs every 15 minutes, buses also come from different directions. We can also drive to the mall. It’s much faster than going there by train or by bus.I don’t like reading but I love drawing and painting.

How about you? Please drop me a line, Alia! Can’t wait to hear from you!


Answer the following questions briefly.
1. How does Hannah contact Alia? Is there anybody introducing Hannah to Alia?
2. Does Hannah want to be Alia’s friend?
3. Where does Hannah study?
4. Tell me about Hannah’s family!
5. What are Hannah’s hobbies?
6. Does she like animals? What animals does she have?
7. What do Hannah and her Hmong friends love to do?
8. What profession would she like to have after graduating from her school?
9. She isn’t interested in fashion. Why?

Kata kata sulit dalam Bacaan

Introduce = memperkenalkan
Know = mengetahui
Told = menceritakan
Sent = mengirim
Pen pals = sahabat pena
E – Pals = teman yang berhubungan dengan media internet
Guess = mengira
Attend = memasuki
Half sisters = saudara tiri
Middle child = anak tengah
Runs = mengatur
Barista = peracik kopi di Bar
Mostly = sebagian besar
Folk music = music traditional
Instrument = alat music
I am into = sangat menyukai
Attentions = perhatian
Hmong = tempat wilayah tertentu
Art = seni
Park ranger = penjaga kebun binatang
Commuter train = sebuah kereta api
Directions = arah
Drive = naik mobil
Wait = menunggu

Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia bacaan tersebut

Hello, Alia! Let me introduce myself. My name is Hannah. I know your name from my friend, Caroline. She told me that you sent her an email telling her that you would like to have more pen pals from the US. I’d really like to be your E-pal. You sound really cool.

Halo, Alia. Ijinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya. Nama saya adalah Hannah. Saya tahu namamu dari temanku, Caroline. Dia menceritakan kepadaku bahwa kamu mengirimnya email yang menceritakannya bahwa kamu ingin menambah sahabat pena dari Amerika Serikat. Saya sungguh ingin menjadi E-Pal mu. Kamu terdengar sangat keren.

I guess I’d better tell you something about myself first. I’m 16years old and I attend Thomas Edison High School here in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. I have two brothers and two half sisters and I’m the  middle child. My father died a few years ago so my mother runs the house and the family business. My father was a barista.

Saya kira saya lebih baik mengatakan segala sesuatu tentang saya dulu. Saya berumur 16 tahun dan saya masuk SMA Thomas Edison di Minneapolis,Minnesota, Amerika Serikat. Saya mempunyai dua saudara laki laki dan dua saudara tiri perempuan. Dan saya adalah aanak tengah tengah. Ayah saya meninggal beberapa tahun yang lalu sehingga ibu saya mengatur rumah dan bisnis keluarga. Ayah sawa dulunya adalah Barista

I have lots of hobbies. I like music – mostly classical music andfolk music – but I don’t play an instrument. I like sports, especially tennis and basketball. At school I’m in the basketball team and I spend most of my extra-curricular time playing basket ball. I’m into animals very much. My sister and I have three dogs, a rabbit and an iguana. They need lots of attention as you can imagine. At school, I have many Hmong friends who were not fully fluent in English. Their family moved here from Asia. I enjoy talking to them about our different cultures. My favorite subjects at school are art and geography. I think I’d like to become a park ranger when I graduate, perhaps work for the National Parks Service.

saya mempunyai beberapa Hobi, seperti Musik – sebagian besar music klasik dan music daerah – akan tetapi saya tidak dapat memainkan alat music. Saya suka olahraga, khususnya olahraga Tenis dan Basketball. Di sekolah saya masuk Tim Basketball dan saya menghabiskan sebagian besar ekstra kulikuler di Basketball. Saya sangat menyukai binatang. Kakak perempuan saya dan saya memiliki tiga anjing, seekor kelinci dan seekor Iguana. Mereka membutuhkan beberapa perhatian seperti yang kamu dapat bayangkan. Di sekolah, saya mempunyai banyak teman teman dari Hmong yang tidak lancar dalam bahasa inggris. Orang tua mereka pindah kesini dari Asia. Saya menikmati becakap cakap dengan mereka tentang perbedaan kebudaayan kami. Pelajaran kesukaan saya di Sekolah adalah Seni dan Geography. Saya rasa saya akan menjadi penjaga taman setelah saya lulus, mungkin bekerja untuk Taman Nasional.

 I haven’t got much interest in fashion, although we have ‘Mallof America,’ the biggest mall in Minnesota. We can reach the mall very easily. A commuter train runs every 15 minutes, buses also come from different directions. We can also drive to the mall. It’s much faster than going there by train or by bus.I don’t like reading but I love drawing and painting.

Saya tidak begitu tertari pada Fashion, meskipun kami mempunyai “ Mall of Amerika,” mal terbesar di Minnesota. Kami dapat sampai di mal dengan mudah. Sebuah Kereta lewat selama 15 menit, Bus juga datang dari berbagai arah. Kami juga dapat mengendarai mobil ke mal. Ini lebih cepat Dari pada pegi kesana dengan kereta atau Bus. Saya tidak suka membaca akan tetapi saya suka menggambar dan melukis.

How about you? Please drop me a line, Alia! Can’t wait to hear from you!
Bagaimana dengan mu? Tolong segera jelaskan, Alia! Tidak dapat menunggu dari kamu.

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. How does Hannah contact Alia? Is there anybody introducing Hannah to Alia?
Hannah contacts Alia by Email, yes there is, she is Caroline

     2.     Does Hannah want to be Alia’s friend?
Yes, She does.

         4. Where does Hannah study?
Hannah studies at Thomas Edison High School

5.Tell me about Hannah’s family!
Hannah has two brothers and Two half sisters, Hannah’s father has passed away, Hannah’s Mother runs the business.

    6.  What are Hannah’s hobbies?
Hannah’s hobby are listening music, playing basketball

 7.Does she like animals? What animals does she have? 
Yes, She does. She has three dogs, a rabbit and an iguana.

       8. What do Hannah and her Hmong friends love to do?
Hannah and her Hmong friends love to discuss about their cultural differences

       9.What profession would she like to have after graduating from her school?
 She wants to e a park rang

 10   She isn’t interested in fashion. Why?

No, she is not . because he has other hobbies 

Contoh surat tentang Liburan dalam bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya


Hello My friend, it has been long we do not see each other, as you know that we have three weeks vacation in this semester. I hope you are having a great holiday. I really want to know your holiday stories. Firstly, I want to tell my holiday first.

I visited the Yogyakarta in this holiday. Here there are so many interesting places. I came here with my uncle. He is not only my uncle but also my guard in this vacation. He took me to many amazing places. First he took me to the Malioborro street. I bought so many souvenir there, but the most I like is T – Shirt. I wore this T – shirt wherever I go in Yogjakarta. After visiting Malioboro we visited Borobudur Temple, I met so many tourist there. I also spoke to one of Tourist who came from Britains. As you know, I tried to speak English with him, although my English is not so good, but the tourist understood what I mean. It was really unforgettable experience.

OK. I wish I had time to tell you anything about my holiday, tomorrow I will visit Parangtritis Beach. I hope you tell me about your Holiday

Miss you so much


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