Lesson 01 : Self -‐‑‒ Introduction ( Part I)
19 min read
Lesson 01 : Self -‐‑‒ Introduction ( Part I)
Lesson 01: You will learn how
to introduce yourself. Have fun studying with your teacher!
Step 1 ( Step 1 )
When you introduce yourself you
say: Nice to meet you. (Nice to meet
You can reply by saying: Nice to meet you, too. (Nice to meet you, too)
Teacher: Nice to meet you!
Teacher: Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you, too! You: Nice to meet you, too!
When you want to sound even
more polite you can say: Glad to meet you! (Glad to meet you!)
Step 2 ( Step 2 )
When you say
your name: My name
is _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. (My name is _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲.)
When you ask about someoneʼ’s name you say: What is your name? (What is your name?)
Teacher: My name is _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. What is your name?
Teacher: My name is _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲.
What is your name?
You: My name is _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. You: My name is
Next, let's start from you.
You: My name is _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. What is your name? You: My name is _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. What is your name?
Teacher: My name is _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. Teacher: My name is _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲.
If you want to ask about someoneʼ’s name in a more polite
way you can say: Can I have your
name? (Can I have your name?)
Step 3 ( Step 3 )
When you say
your age: I am
_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲ years old. (I am _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲ years
When you ask about someoneʼ’s
age you say: How old are you? (How old are you?)
Teacher: I am _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲ years old. How old are you?
Teacher: I am _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲ years old. How old are you?
You: I am _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲ years
old. You:
I am _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲ years old.
Answer with these sentences to your teacherʼ’s
1) I am _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲ years old. (I am 23 years old.) 2) I am _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲ years old. (I am 52 years old.) 3) I am _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲ years old. (I am 12 years old.)
Step 4 ( Step 4 )
When you say
where you live: I
live in _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. (I live in
When you ask about someoneʼ’s place of residence: Where do you live now? (Where
do you live now?)
Teacher: I live in _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. Where do you live now?
Teacher: I live in _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. Where do you live
You: I live in _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. You: I live in _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲.
Answer with these sentences to your
teacherʼ’s questions.
1) I live in _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. (I live in Rome.) 2) I live in _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. (I live in Moscow.)
3) I live in _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. (I live in Barcelona.)
When you want to give more
information about your place of residence, you can use province/region (province/region).
For example: I live in Barcelona, in
the Region of Catalonia. (I live
in Barcelona, in the Region of Catalonia.)
Step 5 ( Step 5 )
you talk about your siblings you say: I have _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. (I have
When you donʼ’t have any siblings
you say: I am an only child. (I am an only child.) When you ask about someoneʼ’s
siblings you say: Do you have any
brothers or sisters? (Do you have
any brothers or sisters?)
Teacher: I have _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Teacher: I have _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. Do you have any
brothers or sisters?
You: I have _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲.You:
I have_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲
Answer with these sentences to your teacherʼ’s questions.
1) I have _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. (I have two younger brothers) 2) I have _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. (I have an older sister.)
3) I have _̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲_̲. (I have an older
brother and three
younger sisters)
When you want to talk about other members of the family
you can use the word cousin (cousin).
Step 6 ( Step 6 )
Introduce yourself again, using
the words and expressions that you have learned in
this lesson. This is a practice of
introduction, so you can pretend to be a different person. Your teacher will
also act as a different person.
Ex.1) Teacher: 21 years old, living in Canada. Has
an older sister and a younger brother.
You: 25 years old, living in Los Angeles. Has three older brothers.
Ex.2) Teacher: 16 years old, living in Madrid. Has
two younger sisters.
You: 18 years old, living in New York. An only child.
Ex.3) Teacher: 44 years old, living in Rome. An only
You: 32 years old, living in Miami. Has three older
brothers, two younger
brothers, and a younger sister.
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