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68 min read


Mata Pelajaran     :  Bahasa Inggris                                                             Waktu                    :   .........   Menit
Kelas / Program   :  X / TEKNIK KENDARAAN RINGAN                             KKM                     :   70  

A.                SOAL PILIHAN GANDA
A : “Good morning Andi.
B : “good morning Iwan, .....(1)”
A :” I am fine, and you?”
B : “......(2)”.
1.       a. How are you?               d. I am fine too
b. where do you come from?     e. Okey!
c. No, thanks
2.       a. How are you?               d. I am fine too
b. where do you come from?     e. Okey!
c. No, thanks
3.       There …. An apple on the table
a.       Are                 d. was
b.      Is                     e. were
c.       am
4.       There ….birds on the tree
a.       Are                 d. was
b.      Is                     e. were
c.       no
5.       There … some chairs in the room
a.       Are                 d. was
b.      Is                     e. were
c.       am

The Following text is For questions  4 and 5.

Internal Memo
To                  : Sri Rejeki
From            : Harwan
Subject       : Get The CD
I am in a hurry to catch the bus . It’s quite late. I am still burning CD in the teacher’s computer.
Please you wait the process and keep all the burnt CDs with you. There are 5 CDs more to burn. Don’t forget shutting down the computer and disconnect the electric line. Thanks a lot.

6.       What should Rejeki do after reading the memo?
a.       Wait the burning process and keep all the burnt
b.      Unplug the cable power of the computer
c.       Shut down the electric lines
d.      Keep the CDs & catch the bus quickly
e.      Goes to catch the bus

7.       Which statement is incorrect based on the memo above?
a.       There was one CD to burn in the teacher’s computer
b.      Sri Rejeki sent a message to Harwan to burn CDs
c.       Harwan was quite late to catch the bus
d.      Harwan was quite late to burn the CD
e.      There are 5 CDs more to burn

8.       (+) He plays football every week
(?) ....
a.    Do he play football every week?
b.    Does he play football every week?
c.     Did he play football every week?
d.    What he play football every week?
e.    Are he play football?

9.       (?) Do they swim very well
(-) ....
a. They not swim very well
b. they does not swim very well
c. They do not swim very well
 d. they did not swim very well
 e. They were not swim very well

10.   They …. Grammar in English Shop right now
a.       Are studying              d. is studied
b.      Are study                    e. is studying
c.       Was studied

11.   …. are buying many books at the moment
a.       The teacher                             d.the old women
b.      The student                            e. the man
c.       Rina

12.   …. You … my dictionaries right now?
a.       Are = bring                 d.Are = bringing
b.      Is = bringing                e. Is = bring
c.       Was = bringing
13.   Budi and I …. Working in Big Company
a.       Am                 d. is
b.      Are                 e. was
c.       Were

14.   The police …. under the tree
a.       is laying                        d. were lying
b.      are laying                     e. is lying
c.       were laying

15.   Ratna is a ..... she takes care patients in the hospital
a.         doctor                         d. secretary
b.         mechanic                   e. driver
c.          seller

Arrange the words into good sentence!
16.   Beautiful-girl-she-is-a-old
a.         She is a beautiful old girl
b.         She is a old girl beautiful
c.          She is a beautiful girl old
d.         She is old a beautiful girl
e.         She is beautiful old a girl

17.   Your glass is empty …. I give you some fresh water?
a.       Can                                                d. will
b.      Should                          e. could
c.       Would

18.   We …. Like to visit that new store some day
a.       Shall                               d. would
b.      Will                                 e. can
c.       Must

19.   You are sick, but you don’t come hospital to see a doctor.
You … visit him soon.
a.       Would                           d. could
b.      Should                          e. will
c.       can
20.   “Rini is old enough. She … know better than the others about it.
a.       Will                                 d. must
b.      Could                            e. can
c.       shall
21.   My Motorcycle runs out of oil. I ….. buy it because I will ride it to the meeting.
a.       shall                               d. must
b.      May                               e. might
c.       Will

22.   The lamp is .... the table
a.         in                                   d. under
b.         on                                 e. At
c.          next

23.   He lives ... 26, Sungai Rukam Street
a.         in                                   d. at
b.         on                                 e. Behind
c.          over

24.   If I have money, ..........
a.         I would bought car
b.         I would have many houses
c.          I will buy that book
d.         I would like that beg
e.         I would the laptop

25.   If ........... , I will cook special food
a.         I am a doctor
b.         he came on time
c.          you had driven carefully
d.         she has driven a car
e.         come to my house

B.      ESSAY

a.      Find out the positive, negative and interrogative forms of the sentences below according to the present continuos pattern.

He is building a sand castle now
Are Nina and I standing in island?

b.      Fill the positive, Comparative or Superlative forms of the sentences below, according to the Degree of Comparison pattern.

Andy is as fat as Faisal
Rio is Fatter than Andy
Hery is as fast as Reza
I am is the fastest

c.       Translete these sentences into English:
5. Saya menonton sepakbola setiap hari sabtu
             6. Dia adalah gadis yang cantik di kelasnya

